The Millennium Schools, HMEL Bathinda
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“The mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting.”- Plutarch. At Education Quality Foundation of India ‘s Research and Development department , a dedicated team of content developers have been doing their bit to ignite thousands of young minds (through years of research, brain storming, discussions, training and workshops). They have provided scientifically designed learning solutions for the entire education continuum of Pre-school, K-12 segment and Vocational education. Solutions which span a wide spectrum from premium target groups to the lower middle class. With their eclectic portfolio of innovative products, R&D has also partnered several educational institutions; looking to upgrade and establish a scientifically-oriented educational system. The team provides a continuous support through rigorous training programmes that reiterate the philosophy and methodology of each product. It has successfully addressed major educational challenges by augmenting its offerings with Employability Solutions and New Age Learning Solutions.