The school provides a spacious and well-maintained medical room equipped with beds and essential medical facilities. A dedicated, fully qualified nurse is available throughout the school day to assist students in times of pain or distress. The clinic is equipped to administer immediate first-aid relief when needed. Additionally, the school conducts regular medical check-ups for students and maintains health cards to ensure their well-being is monitored effectively.
The school has also collaborated with Health-Set Go. Health Set Go is a comprehensive health and wellness program implemented in schools. It promotes student well-being through educational workshops, physical fitness activities, and mental health support. The program focuses on topics such as nutrition, exercise, hygiene, and emotional well-being. It encourages a collaborative approach involving students, teachers, and parents. By integrating health education into the school curriculum, Health Set Go aims to empower students with the knowledge and skills to make healthy choices and cultivate a positive school environment centered around well-being.