Dear Parents,
Greetings from the Millennium Fraternity!
After a very successful first audit, it is now time for the second Internal Safety Security Audit for the month of December.Five new parents have been shortlisted to be a part of Internal Safety Security Audit Committee, teachers and administration members remaining the same.
Contact details of the members of ISSAC:
SPOC (Single Point Of Contact)
Mrs. Nidhi S. Arora 9711621043
School Administration
Maj. S.S. Sahrawat (Retd.) 9810002832
Mr. Puneet Sharma 9899801151
Mr. Umesh Sharma 7840017721
Ms. Renuka Dhar 9871723779
Ms. Reshma Sinha 9911151093
Ms. Purnima Tyagi 9818890119
Ms. Vineeta Mishra 9312498592
Parent’s Name Child’s Class
Mr.Rohit Dogra Nursery -A
Mr.Suneer Paruthikunnan II- A
Mr. A.P. Sing III- B
Ms. Babita Thakur IV- B
Ms. Rekha Goel V- C
The audit will be done on 12th December 2017. The audit will start with a pre-conferencing session where the audit plan will be discussed and the audit checklist will be shared. Thereafter the committee will proceed for the audit.
On the basis of the committee’s recommendations an audit report will be generated categorizing the plan of action as below:
Category Action Redressal
Green Beneficial Will be taken for further consideration
Yellow Necessary Will be closed within 72 hours
Red Urgent Will be closed within 48 hours
A closing report prepared by the audit committee will be drafted and shared with the PTA body and the Management Committee. The same will be shared with all the parents through Fliplearn and the school website
Rita Kaul
Director/ Principal
The Millennium School