Day Two of TMSMUN was mapped up with glorious joy and contentment as after two days of heated debates and deliberation, the delegates were able to pass requisite resolutions for their respective committees. For two days, the delegates were kept occupied by their schedule and agendas. Committee sessions were full of discussions, diplomacy and debates. The school press attended the sessions to ensure that no detail was left unnoticed. The summaries of the committee proceedings were -
UN ODC - Drugs are an international problem with immense social, moral and legal consequences. The committee discussed the drug influx from Mexico, keeping in mind the cartels, wars and illegal income. It was a logical, calm and extremely enriching debate and all delegates took every opportunity to voice their opinions and make the debate an interesting affair. Raghav Kohli, an experienced MUNner, chaired the committee and made it extremely interactive. The best delegate award was earned by Shubhi Singh of Lamartiniere Girls school. She represented china.
UNHSC – Delegates travelled back in time as solving the Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 became their mission for two days. Vallrie Agarwal, ensured that the agenda was discussed to its very core and that every delegate received the opportunity to speak. There was active participation from the delegates and the committee ultimately reached a consensus through a working paper. The best delegate award was given to Pratham Malhotra of Seth M.R. Jaipuria school. He represented the delegation from Israel.
UNHRC - Human trafficking, a recognized global issue, is worsening day by day and is causing crimes such as illegal prostitution, child slavery, etc. Womenand children are the main victims and this has social consequences. The committee, chaired by Sonakshi Grover, had delegates questioning social issues and challenging age-old beliefs in order to aid the world of human slavery. The points brought forward were exemplary and the committee showed the snippets of humanity, the world required in its bureaucrats. The best delegate award was given to Adarsh Gangwan from Seth M.R Jaipuria school. He represented USA.
Ministry of Magic - The Potterheads of the city were given an experience of their lifetime as they were provided with a chance to play the characters they had adored for years. While debating The Return of The Dark Lord, the delegates' enthusiasm was palpable as they voiced their opinions with commendable confidence. The E.B. paved the way for the delegates to share their views freely. This unconventional committee was supremely successful and all participants would truly cherish the memories. The best delegate award was given to Harsh Vardhan Dixit from St. Francis school. He portrayed the character of Cornelius Fudge.
Mr.Gaurav Prakash, Chairman of CII-YI was the Guest of Honour to the closing ceremony. He extolled the YOUNG TURKS to take such definitive tests to hone their skills at facing the world as leaders of tomorrow. The Principal of the school, Dr. Goswami eulogized the rhetoric and passion of the neo-statesmen. She also assured the students to undertake such educative events from time to time.
Post the Award ceremony, the adrenaline rush was high as the delegates got the opportunity to loosen themselves at the delegates’ social evening.