Parirup Neogi (Class I D ) and Paridhi Neogi (Class I C)

Parirup  Neogi  (Class  I D ) and Paridhi Neogi  (Class I C)

Paridhi Neogi and Parirup Neogi studying in Grade 1 of The Millennium School , Lucknow visited London in 2018 and saw Buckingham Palace and were very fascinated by it . Hence, they decided to write a letter accompanied by a beautiful handmade Christmas greeting card in which they shared their experience and expressed their wish to meet the Queen .  It was a proud moment when they received a letter from Lady-In-Waiting, Ms Amabel Whiteheach thanking them for their thoughtful gesture. 

We at The Millennium school feel extremely proud to have such creative and bright students with us.

Friday, February 19, 2021