Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, our former President was not only a renowned scientist, thinker, philosopher and teacher, but also a winner of numerous prestigious awards .

To honour this great scientist, his birthday on 15th October, is declared as the  ‘World Students’ Day’. During his lifetime, Dr. Kalam had always expressed his wish to be remembered as a teacher by the people.

As a mark of respect to this great personality, The Millennium School, Lucknow, conducted a Special Assembly  in the school auditorium, in which a presentation was shown to the students reflecting the life and teachings of A. P.J. Abdul Kalam followed by a Quiz competition, creative writing, slogan writing, composition and book mark making.

An exhibition to project Kalam’s life was also held in the school premises. Besides portraits projecting the former President’s unique manner and style, garb and personality, a missile and different science models on Space Research, Renewable Sources of Energy and Harnessing Nuclear Energy were exhibited.

The Principal, Dr. Manjula Goswami, applauded the students’ efforts and stressed upon attaching highest value to science. She further said that this concept inculcates a spirit of inquiry, creativity and  nurtures the scientific temper among the students.

Thursday, October 15, 2015