The Millennium School, Lucknow , was bustling with excitement as the new session kicked off on 6 April 2016 with the new learners being heartily welcomed by their facilitators.

The new students faced the big  day with enthusiasm as  there were many activities which kept them engaged the whole day. The students were first  of all taken to the school auditorium for a special assembly, where, amongst other things, they were greeted by  the activity teachers who mesmerized the new joinees with their performances. The students were then taken for a tour of the school and they further enjoyed the field activities.

In the  classroom, the students’ learning styles were assessed through VARK test and an exciting ice- breaking activity was conducted ,which helped them in shedding their shyness and mingling with the other students.


The Principal, Dr. Manjula Goswami, in her speech for the new learners, stated that the new year lies before us just like a blank page full of possibility, potential, challenges ,etc. So, wishing them luck, she asked them to explore all the avenues and progress and reach  their goals.      

Friday, April 8, 2016