The National Aeronautics Space Administration, commonly known as NASA, is the world’s premier aeronautics and space agency. It is the only space research institute on Earth with no direct commercial agenda and is entirely dedicated to the search for knowledge. Many of NASA’s inventions and discoveries have found military and non-military applications across the world; always resulting in technological advancement that is practically akin to magic. NASA has the crème de la crème of scientific brains working on a variety of projects that will ultimately provide the launch pad for expanding human civilisation beyond the final frontier – Space.

 The Millennium School, Lucknow ( the first school in town) had taken their students on an educational trip to the United States of America. This trip was for the duration of 10 days organized by Edterra Edventures which offers an affordable mechanism for groups to travel together. Educational tours always give the students an opportunity to discover and learn by doing thus following the pedagogy of Millennium learning system.

The trip was  efficiently guided by Edterra Journey Mentor Mr Sohail Azam ,who took us to destinations like Disneyland and Universal Studios at Orlando, Florida, where our students got the opportunity  to walk amidst the set up of various movies including Harry Potter, Spiderman and Jurassic Park. A stop-over at The Big Apple – New York City is sure to acquaint our students with the unique energy and dynamics of this ultra-modern city. Visits to The Empire State Building, Central Park, Ground Zero, Statue of Liberty and many other famous places was full of fun. Kennedy Space Centre, Florida.  At NASA, our students attended  a 2-day Space Camp and got a chance to interact with astronauts among many other things. The main aim of the tour was to help students appreciate human endeavour purely in pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the universe, the origins of the universe and our infinitesimally small place in it, and also to broaden our students’ horizons by journeying to a country 13,000 kilometres away.


The Principal of the school, Dr Manjula Goswami rewarded the students for their roaring success on their return.

Monday, November 30, 2015