"Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives" — Walt Disney.


As the current academic year draws to a close, The Millennium School, Lucknow organized a movie show for the children of MLS I on 16.3.16. The grand auditorium turned to a grand movie hall. The children were first shown an animated documentary 'Komal' that dealt with the issue of child abuse. The school counselor emphasized the topic further by speaking on 'personal areas' and 'good and bad touch'. After this documentary, the 2011 animation superhit 'Rio' was shown. The movie deals with the illegal trafficking of exotic and endangered birds from the rainforests of Brazil. The children enjoyed the movie very much. The ambience was complete with popcorn and juices brought by the students themselves. They laughed gleefully at the fun parts, cheered the winged protagonists against the captors and were justly sad at the ordeal of their feathered friends. As the credits started to roll, it became apparent that they had a wonderful time at the movie show.

Thursday, March 17, 2016