Holiday Homework of Class VII

Holiday Homework of Class VII

The Millennium School

Holiday Homework

Class VII


 Social Science:


Do the following projects in the Apprentice Manual, as per discussion in the class:

History Ch1 Understanding and Preserving Heritage

Geography Ch1 The Forces Beneath


Complete question/answers of Geography Ch1 The Forces Beneath in Geography notebook. (Only for VII D, E)

Read Ch 1: Grappling with inequality in Civics


Social Science

Q1. Determine if the source would be Primary source or Secondary source:


A journal written by Lewis about his explorations of the Louisiana Purchase.______________


A newspaper article from 1941 describing the attack on Pearl Harbour._________________


A classmate giving a report about World War II._______________


A biography of Gandhi ji. ____________


An autobiography of Gandhi ji.____________


The declaration of Independence.___________


A coin from Gupta period.____________


A play showing freedom struggle in India.___________


A picture of paintings and art forms of the Mughal empire._____________


An interview with Alexander Graham Bell about how he invented the telephone.___________

Q2. Think like a CURATOR:

Imagine yourself as a curator. You may take any theme of your choice to design an exhibition for the students of history in the museum you work.


Why this theme? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Rough sketch of the exhibition:













Do Ch. 1- Levels of Organisation ( 1-6) in Science Apprentice Manual as per Classroom discussion.


Do Time To Work out (TTWO) Questions [Q. No.2 to Q. No.14 given on pg-24 of the textbook] of

Ch. 2-Nutrition in Biology notebook.


Do Worksheet 1 (Q 1 to 5) of Ch.1 Levels of Organisation and Worksheet 2 (Q 1 to 5) of Ch.2 Nutrition in Biology notebook.


Q 1. Tick the correct answer:


_________ are building blocks of life.


Cells                               b) Tissues                            c) Organs                             d) Organ systems


_____________________ is a unicellular organism.


Amoeba                       b) Man                                 c) Liver                  d) Hydra


Which one of the following is a plant tissue?


Bone                             b) Xylem                              c) Skin                                   d) Nerves

Q 2. Write any three benefits of being multicellular organism?

Q 3. Can an organism have organs but no tissues? Explain.

Q 4. Why can’t your heart have only cardiac tissue?

Q 5. Why do multicellular organisms generally live longer than unicellular organisms?



Q 1. Name the digestive juice that helps in the digestion of fats.

Q 2. Name the outermost layer that covers the human tooth.

Q 3. Draw a well-labelled and neat diagram of the following:-


Structure of a human tooth


Structure of human tongue


Structure of villi (small intestine)

Q 4. Draw a Graphic Organiser (GO) to show the steps of holozoic nutrition.

Q 5. Does amoeba follow holozoic nutrition like other multicellular organisms?

Justify your answer.





Do Ch. 1- Integers  in Maths Apprentice Manual as per Classroom discussion.


Do Time To Work Out(TTWO) Questions[Q.No  1  to Q.No 17  ] of Ch.2-Rational Numbers in the register. 


Complete the worksheet given in the notebook.


Q 1. At Srinagar temperature was -50  C on Monday and then it dropped by 20 C on

        Tuesday. What was the   temperature of Srinagar on Tuesday? On Wednesday, it

        rose by 40 C. What was the temperature on this day?

Q2.  Mohan deposits Rs 2,000 in his bank account and withdraws Rs.1,642 from it, the

         next day. If withdrawal   of amount from the account is represented by a

         negative integer, then how will you represent the  amount  deposited ? Find

         the Balance in Mohan’s  account after the withdrawal.

Q3.  Use the sign of >, < or = in the box to make the statement true.


(-8) +(-4)                 (-8) – (-4)


(-3) +7-(19)             15-8+(-9)


23-41+11                23-41-11


39+(-24)-(15)         36+(-52)-(-36)


231+79+51             399+159+18

Q4.  Write down a pair of integers whose:


Sum is - 7      (b)   difference is  - 10   (c)   sum is 0.

Q5.  Write a pair of negative integers whose difference gives 8.

Q6.   Write a negative integer and a positive integer whose sum is – 5.

Q7   Write a negative integer and positive integer whose difference is – 3.

Q8.  Fill in the blanks to make the following statements true:


(- 5) + (…) = (- 8 ) +(… )


-53 + … = - 53


17 + …=0


 [13 + (-12)]=….+[(-12)+(-7)]


(-4) + [ …+ (-3)]=[….+ 15] +….

Q9. Find each of the following products:


   3 * (-1)                                         



      (c )    ( -21)*( -30)                     

      (d)     ( -316 ) *(-1)

      (e)     (-15) * 0 * (-18)                        

      (f)      (-12) * (-11) * (10)

      (g)       9*(-3)*(-6)

      (h)      (-18) *(-5) *(-4)

      (i)      (-1)*(-2)*(-3)*4

      (j)      (-3) *(-6)*(-2)*(-1)


Q10.A cement company earns a profit of Rs 8 per bag of white cement sold and a loss of

         Rs 5 per bag of grey cement sold.


The company sells 3,000 bags of white cement and 5,000 bags of grey cement in a month. What is its profit or loss?


What is the number of white cement bags it must sell to have neither profit nor loss, if the number of grey bags sold is 6,400 bags?

Computer Science:


i)a banner for “Youth day”.

ii)an animated water park scene in Flash.





                                                           CHAPTER- DETERMINERS

MODUS OPERANDI- Select a place of tourist interest from India- preferably a place close to your city. Take up the initial spade work of researching about the place to collect relevant information, pictures, photographs and video clippings. Talk to people who have lived there for many decades to gather little known facts about the place. Now, lay out the pictures and make your narration interesting.


Arrange the pictures in a logical sequence and write captions for all the pictures, telling what the picture is about.


Write the introductory lines, concluding lines and remember to put in the credit at the end of your presentation.


Underline the determiners used in the captions.


To be done in Apprentice Manual or convert in a CD.



Discuss the given topic at home :- “ The problems faced by pre independent India that are relevant even in the present day India.”

Find solutions to the problems and write in your note copy.



Chapter -2   Wall of Adventure (given in English supplement).

1. Write the summary of the story.

2. Write 20 difficult words and their meanings.



“Do you think today’s generation should be concerned about population growth?”


Write the debate in your notebook(either for or against)

 5.   Complete the given worksheet.

                          Note: - Q . No -2, 3, 4 & 5 to be done in English notebook.


6. Look at the picture given below. Write a story or description of what the picture suggests to you in about 100-150 words.

 In this picture you may do one of these things: Refer to the above uploaded picture.


Write a story on the picture.


Write a description of things that you see in the picture.


Write an account of ideas and feelings that the picture arouses in your mind.


Write an essay of about 100-150 words on any of the topic:


An unforgettable journey  by flight


My favourite sport


A haunted house



Pick out any two words from the newspaper everyday. Write their meanings  and make sentences of your own in English notebook.

English Worksheet

1. Fill in the blanks with some, any, someone, anyone, something, anything etc.



I saw _______ moving among the bushes. It wasn't ______ that I could recognize.



I can't see _______ out there. There must be _______ wrong with your eyes!



There is _______ walking towards the house. Does _______ know who it is?



Isn't there _______ knocking at the door? I was sure I heard _______ out there.



There isn't _______ milk in the refrigerator. You should better ask _______ to get us _______.



I can't carry _______ more since both my hands are full. Can't you ask _______ else to help you?



We certainly don't need _______ more bread, but we do need _______ more tins of sardines.



Did _______ come near my desk while I was out ? _______ seems to be missing from my drawer.




She knows _______ about what has happened here, but she will not say _______ about it to us.



There is ________ at the door. Why don't you open it? Is _______ the matter?



2. Circle the comparative or superlative form of the adjective that best completes each sentence.

1. I have a (bigger / biggest) problem than you.

2. That was the (stranger / strangest) thing that I have ever seen!

3. If you look (closest / closer) you can see the ocean from here.

4. That was the (bumpiest / bumpier) car drive ever.

5. You show the (gentler / gentlest) touch when handling the baby.

6. That mouse is the (tinier / tiniest) I have ever seen.

7. My pool is (shallowest / shallower) than yours.

8. The map we printed out is (simplest / simpler) than the one provided at the park.

9. My travel bag is (heavier / heaviest) than yours.

10. That is the (shiniest / shinier) car in the lot.





Refer to the above uploaded picture.

Monday, May 9, 2016