“It’s not whether animals will survive,

It’s whether man has the will to save them”.


A hundred years ago there were 100,000 tigers in the world. Today there are as few as 3,200. International Tiger Day, also known as Global Tiger Day, is an annual celebration to create awareness for tiger conservation, held annually on 29th July. The Goal of the day is to promote a Global system for protecting the natural habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness and support for Tiger Conservation issues.

Global Tiger Day was celebrated in The Little Millennium on 27th July. The children of Nursery organized a special assembly to mark the ocassion. The children also put up a small skit on saving the Tiger which was then followed by a PowerPoint Presentation. Our dear Principal, Dr. Manjula Goswami Ma’am, who in her beautiful and loving way explained to the children why we celebrate Global Tiger Day and what we as Human Beings can do to save the Tiger in our own small way.


The assembly ended with the singing of the National Anthem.

Monday, July 27, 2015