The Millennium School, Kurukshetra oragnised the vaccination camp under the leadership of Dr. Neeraj from Primary Health Centre , Pipli. Students of the age of 15 to 18 came to the school with their parents to get vaccination against Covid-19.
The administrative officer Mr. Satish Kajal told that the parents had already given their consent for the vaccination in writing. On the other hand, the students who did not come to school today, took the responsibility to get their ward vaccinated and shared the vaccination certificate with the school.
All the students and the parents appreciated the school for oranising the camp for vaccination. The health workers guided the students how to take care of themselves by using masks and senetizers properly in this covid scenario.They also informed the students to maintain social distencing to remain safe. Principal Dr. AK Singh thanked the Primary Health Centre , Pipli for their assistance and guidance in the school premises during the camp.

Monday, January 10, 2022