Fliplearn.com A 21st century elearning platform


 Dear Parents,


As one of the pioneer schools in the region, we have a legacy of keeping pace with the latest technologies in Education and giving your child the very best. In continuance of this endeavour,we are recommendingFliplearn.com; a 21st century elearning platform. For sometime now we have been using technology inside the classroom very effectively , by using the latest digital cotent modules from Educomp SmartClass , the quality of learning and students understanding of the various subjects has gone up.

Further in this digital age , we have been evaluating and thinking to adopt a digital platform that allows teachers , students and parents to interact with each other , for teachers to give assignments, share educational content , provide access to studetns report cards and marks , for the school to communicate with parents via announcements and also for parents to see pictures of the various events in the shool via the gallery.


What is Fliplearn.com?

The Fliplearn.com is a 21st century elearning platform that’s built around the theme of ‘Learn, Share and Perform.’ It’s a first-in-category education solution that combines the power of the internet with social collaboration and smart phone mobility in a format that allows students seamless access to course material, sharing and performance evaluation.


Why Fliplearn.com?

For the first time in the history, your child will be able to access the much acclaimed smartclass education resources at home and not just in the classroom as well as for parents to be always connected to the school.


What’s special about Fliplearn.com?


Fliplearn.com, a breakthrough product designed for the internet age was felicitated as the “Best Online Education Platform” in June 2015.


For the first time, the acclaimed smartclass digital content used inside the classrooms has been made available online, accessible anywhere and anytime by students and teachers.


Its is a third generation eLearning platform built on the insights gained from providing smartclass digital solutions to 15,000 schools and 7 million students inside the classrooms.


How will Parents Benefit?

Fliplearn is designed to keep the parents well informed and simplify everything about your child’s in-school and after school learning. Parents get SMS and notifications on homework , instant alerts on important announcements from school,access to your child’s attendance and academic performance.


What Parents have to do?

Please ensure that your email ID and mobile number is updated with the school. Parents will need to get a parent’s  ID and Child’s ID from their respective classteacher.


How will Students Benefit?

Students will have access to the content anytime, anywhere. They can revise chapters at home using the animation videos and topic synopsis mapped to each chapter. They will also have access to assignments, practice exercises, sample papers, and objective tests to practice and evaluate their understanding of the concepts learned.


Are their any charges?

While the access to messages , assignements and other information like attendance  form the school is FREE. Parents have an option to buy e learning content at a  special price  of Rs 1800 . This is a special price for the students of our school .On retail at http://www.Fliplearn.com, the Fliplearn content package is available from Rs. 6000 to Rs 7500/- per year. This is a huge value-add for us.This is an annual subscription valid for a period of 12 months wherein the parent can shift to the content for the next grade at the beginning of the new academic year.



The School would like to empower our students to handle the challenges of tomorrow by inculcating 21st Century skills to explore, think and analyse.


We look forward to your support to unveil flip classrooms at The Millennium School Bathinda where our students continue to lead the path to the smart league.


Happy Connecting






Tuesday, October 27, 2015