Student Council Results( MLS3 and 4)

Student Council Results( MLS3 and 4)

Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,
It gives me immense pleasure to announce the results of the Student Council elections for the academic year 2024-25. I am proud to introduce the newly elected members who will serve as the voice of our student body:
I extend my heartfelt congratulations to each of the elected members. Your willingness to take on leadership roles and represent your peers is commendable, and I have full confidence in your abilities to fulfill your responsibilities with integrity, dedication, and empathy.
To those who ran for positions but were not successful, I want to express my appreciation for your participation and commitment to our school community. Your passion and enthusiasm do not go unnoticed, and I encourage you to continue to contribute positively to our school in various capacities.
As we embark on this new journey together, let us uphold the values of inclusivity, collaboration, and service. Together, let's work towards creating a vibrant and supportive environment where every voice is heard and every individual thrives.
Once again, congratulations to the newly elected Student Council members! I look forward to witnessing the positive impact you will undoubtedly make in the days ahead.
Warm regards,
Shailja Tandon
The Millennium School, Amritsar

Friday, May 10, 2024