CBSE Regional Science Exhibition 2023

CBSE Regional Science Exhibition 2023

"Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in."
We are extremely honoured and delighted to share that Our School Senior team comprising Haransh Singh and Gundeep Singh of Grade 10 have been selected amongst Top 10 finalists in the CBSE Regional Science Exhibition held on 19th & 20th December at Delhi Public School. They prepared a model to revolutionize plant care with Green Thumb Guardian, utilising IoT to simplify maintenance and ensure pure water access via smartphones for convenience.
The junior team comprising Agam Sohal Singh and Jappnam Singh of Grade 6 also participated and were selected amongst the Top 25 teams. Both the teams have competed against 300 teams to achieve this coveted position.
We congratulate both the teams for their whole hearted efforts and achievements.

Thursday, December 21, 2023