The Millennium School, Indore

Summer Assignment


Class X

Dear Parents

Summer break is round the corner. And vacations are the happiest time in students’ lives. They relax and recoup to health and vitality. However, it is also time to do some fun-filled activities to make the vacations more rewarding.

Thus, here are some exercises to extend the in-school opportunities to learn:


I. Read the novel ‘The Story Of My Life’ by Helen Keller and answer the following questions in about 150 – 200 words. Write in your Literature note book.

  1. “Miss Sullivan was an ideal teacher and instructor as well as a guide”. Comment.
  2. Write a pen- portrait of Helen Keller.
  3. What happened to the canary which Miss Sullivan presented Helen on Christmas?
  4. What do you know about Arthur H. Keller?

II. You came across a newspaper clipping. It makes you wonder why so many people are still not aware of the importance of education. Write a letter to the editor, The Times of India on ‘Education for all’.

III. Cycling is the best exercise to keep one healthy and fit. Write an article on the topic, “Paddling a way to Health” in about 150 -200 words.

IV. Water is precious and each one of us must stop wastage. Write a speech stressing the need to conserve water.

Social Science

I. Make a time line of the major events of struggle of Indo china.

II. List all the National parks and wild life centuries of India.

III. On the political Map of India mark all the major river of India.

IV. “Development differs from person to person” write a short note on  your prospective of development.


1. कोई 25 ‘मुहावरे’ अर्थ एवं वाक्य सहित लिखिए |

2. ‘ड्रामा सिखाने के लिए ड्रामा सेंटर ‘खुला है |इसके लिए एक विज्ञापन तैयार कीजिए|

3 .प्लास्टिकपर्यावरण‘के लिए खतरा विषय पर दो मित्रो की बातचीत को संवाद के रूप में लगभग 50 शब्दों में लिखिए |

4. निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक विषय पर दिए गए बिन्दुओ के आधार पर  लगभग 100 शब्दों में अनुच्छेद लिखिए


विचार बिंदु - भाग दौड़ की जिंदंगी  स्वास्थ्य की बजाय स्वाद पर ध्यान   बढ़ता बाज़ारवाद  विज्ञापनों की चकाचौंध बढ़ती बीमारियाँ-मोटापा ,गैस ,तनाव ,शुगर ,समाधान |

) टी .वी. रियल्टीशोकासमाजपरप्रभाव -

विचार बिंदु -रियल्टी शो क्या है  रियल्टी शो की बढ़ती होड़   प्रभाव /दुष्प्रभाव 


Worksheets enclosed here with.


Physics: Complete worksheet on Electricity


Q1.Explain the types of reaction with the help of two examples each.

Q2. How would you identify reduction and oxidation ?

Q3.What do you mean by chemical reactivity series of metals? How it governs displacement reactions?

Q4.Esxplain the following:

i) Rancidity          ii)Corrosion


Q1. Draw human digestive system.(Chart/Model)


Note: Kindly get your work done in your subject wise text copies.


Saturday, April 28, 2018