CIR - 49

TMS/CIR- 49/19-20                                                                                Date: 6th August 2019

Dear Parents, Greetings!

It is very valuable for the children to have the opportunity to share their learning with you at school. This in turn builds their own self confidence and develops their speaking skills in talking about their learning. So to give you an insight into how the children learn in their classroom setting, we hereby invite you to attend a session of EVS Proj. (Ch. 5 – Part I) in the school. The duration will be 35 minutes. The details are as follows:

Date: 8th August (Thursday)

Venue: The classroom of VC (2nd Floor)

Time: The session will begin sharp at 10:35 a.m. and end at 11:10 a.m.

We request you to be there on time as it will be a regular class.

NB: You will be allowed to attend ONLY the EVS session. Afterwards, the children will have their regular classes as per the schedule.

Please let us know if you will be able to attend this session or not by ticking the appropriate box:

Yes:  __________                                                                                                No:  __________

Educationally Yours,

The Millennium School, Indore


Tuesday, August 6, 2019